You Can't Have It All

"You Can't Have It All," an offering of unconditional love in these difficult times, is a collaboration by filmmaking duo New Angel Productions and poet Barbara Ras. They interweave Ras's voice with many others reading lines from her poem. Their accompanying video, with music by Devotchka makes for a sublime creation. The work was first published by New Angel Productions as Chapter 3 of the series From Nothing, A Rose.

New Angel Productions is the collaboration between Los Angeles based filmmakers Sam Gilberg and Armand Dov Brescia.

Barbara Ras is the author of three books of poetry, with her fourth, The Blues of Heaven, forthcoming in early 2021. She has received many honors, including fellowships from the Guggenheim and Rockefeller foundations. She is the Founding Director Emerita of Trinity University Press and lives in San Antonio.

The poem,"You Can't Have It All" by Barbara Ras (© all rights reserved), is from her book Bite Every Sorrow.